Témata profilové části maturitní zkoušky z předmětu Anglický jazyk v kalendářním roce 2025

Gymnázium, Jeseník, Komenského 281

  1. About myself, my future plans, future career
  2. Prague
  3. London and other important cities in Great Britain
  4. Washington, New York, and other important cities and places worth seeing in the USA
  5. The United States of America
  6. The United Kingdom of Great Britain
  7. Some facts from British and American literature. My favourite British or American writer
  8. The problems of the world
  9. Transport and travelling
  10. My hometown, the town where I study
  11. Holidays and festivals in the Czech Republic, Great Britain and the USA
  12. Housing, types of dwelling, my house or flat
  13. The Czech Republic
  14. School education
  15. Sports and games
  16. Health and diseases
  17. Entertainment and culture
  18. Going shopping. At the post office
  19. Food and drinks. Going to restaurant
  20. English-speaking countries. English as a foreign language
  21. Hobbies and sports in my life. Leisure time activities
  22. The seasons, weather, the school year
  23. Mass media and communication
  24. Describing a person. My family and best friend
  25. Daily routine

Povolené pomůcky: překladový slovník, mapy, obrázkové přílohy

Mgr. Šárka Hynková

ředitelka školy

Gymnázium Jeseník

Komenského 281,  790 01 Jeseník
+420 584 411 429
IČ 60 045 141, IZO 102 692 173
ID datové schránky
+420 584 412 072
kde nás najdete

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