Message from Lars

Dear Gymjes students,

As some of you have probably heard I was forced to leave the Czech Republic very quickly this weekend due to the situation with quarantines. I wish I had the chance to say good bye in person but this will have to do.

Being forced to leave all of you so soon was probably the hardest thing I have ever had to do. You have all made the last year one of the best I’ve ever had. Thank you all for being wonderful in and out of the classroom. Thank you for accepting me into your community and making Jeseník really feel like home. You all made it fun to come to work every day. Every one of you is amazing and I know you will all go on to do great things.

If you ever want to practice your English feel free to reach out to me. And you all have a friend in the United States.

I was planning to take a picture with each of your classes on the last day of school but unfortunately now I will not be able to do so. So my first and last homework assignment for you is to take a picture with your class and send it to me (once you are back at school)!

Also thank you to the teachers and staff who made me feel so welcome and supported both at school and in the community. I cannot say how much I appreciate all of your help and friendship.

I am planning on coming back to visit Jeseník within the next year or two when the world calms down! I hope I can see all of you then! Thank you all again for being so great and teaching me so much.


Gymnázium Jeseník

Komenského 281,  790 01 Jeseník
+420 584 411 429
IČ 60 045 141, IZO 102 692 173
ID datové schránky
+420 584 412 072
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